
I love reading and I have been able to read quite a bit lately.

Isn't that a cute illustration? I finished reading an autobiography by Patricia St. John, who wrote Treasures in the Snow. She traveled quite a bit and gave a lot. This is from a chapter in which she visited a country in Africa:

We would have changed their circumstances, but we would have changed them. God's solution is sometimes different. He does not always lift people out of the situation. He himself comes into the situation, as Christ the eternal man once entered this world and in a sense came to stay. He does not pluck them out of the darkness. He becomes the light in the darkness, the peace in the midst of the conflict, the spirit's riches in the midst of poverty and loss and physical degradation. Right there in the desert, He gives beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.


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