a break

I lack discipline. Shall I even begin to talk about the lack of self control? Maybe if I had discipline I would have kept up with the photo-a-day challenge. Or would it be better not to admit it, and to try and take 5 photos a day to make up for it?

Our computer is back in business, but quite more limited and fragile. I am scared to plug my camera into it.

Spring Break is here, and these are my goals for it:

- to run 3-4 times, at least a couple of miles each time.

- to finish my two essays

-to get ahead on my reading and other projects

- to clean my room/bathroom

- to devote time to God... I haven't been consistent with my quiet time lately.

I have already read two of the three books in the Hunger Games series and caught up with some sewing projects. :)

 I feel like spring break is suppose to be more exciting, but I am very content.


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